Thursday, April 14, 2011

Racing Director

The much fun, much tiring, and much satisfying Croom Fools run is now in my rear view mirror. I really like this race directing stuff, I like it the most when I'm 35 miles into running a 100 mile race. I can be heard muttering, "yeah, I could be a full-time race director, I don't have to actually run!"

Still, I am planning to keep running. Something over Memorial Day, June a 100, October a 100. Who knows what else. Roger says I need to get to 32, don't know about that, but I'm pretty sure 20 will happen even if the Aztecs are right and we wrap up this rock on 12/12/2012.

On the RD front, I am running with Ultrarunning and RD legend Jerry Dunn in Mayakka State Forest tomorrow morning. We are scouting out a location for a Sarasota County 50 Mile race. This and a 12/24 hour race I'm planning with Debbie Voiles, the Croom Zoom, and the Fools puts a lot on my plate. Shoot, but I do love it! Except for the lack of sleep, I'd do it all the time. But my brother's best friend said it best...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fierce New Family Member

There is a new resident at my humble abode in Seminole Heights. My good and great friend Tracy, turned me on (how I wish the sentence stopped there!) to a lost dog. A beautiful, sweet, loving, medium sized mixed breed, 1-2 year old puppy. I don't know what her breed is, but who cares?

Thing is, I was just looking at rescue dogs this weekend and just couldn't pull the trigger. But when I found out Sasha Fierce needed a home, I knew it was right.

It's only been two nights, but she's slept quietly and hasn't chewed anything. She has had no problem running with me either. We started at 2 miles, which we've done twice, and she could easily have gone faster and farther.

I think it's the beginning of a wonderful friendship! Ok, so who wants to watch her while I'm Colorado June 17 - June 27?

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Test

April 1. I love it. I love it much more than Ken Methanny ever did. Poor sap gets shot every year. Guy oughtta move out of Town and Country man. When April 1 falls during the week I give an April Fools test in Psychology. I get them every year. The test is impossibly long with the first page being dead serious. There are some clues on the second page, by the third page the answers don't even make any sense. By the fourth page the students that haven't given up start laughing, then rolling. Question 21: The DSM IV is: a. My Brother David Scott Mathews IV b. Deviant Sadist and Masochist Manuel volume 4 c. A Manual of Diagnostic and Statistical Mental Disorders d. Disorganized Saliva Mastication (Drooling and chewing on the spit) e. All of the above (most people get this one right!) This year's crop weren't too happy with me. They were pissed. "I was really trying! " "I can't believe I did all that work!" But you get a 100%! When's the last time you did that? "Yeah, but I would have gotten that even without trying." Gee sorry, I thought a free A and a little chuckle were things. And so did the last class. As Steve Martin would have said.... Well ExxCUUUUse ME!