Not Bad Huh?
Today I was doing a lesson on Rome, complete with the educational focus activity (Hangman) and so I decided to bring my lesson to life with a picture of both the Leaning Towers.. Pisa and Pizza, here they are:
Now, those that know me well, know that Ali and I produce "Don't Quit" bracelets. We started this in honor of one of Ali's classmates that was suffering from cancer. Sadly, this trooper, Kelly, passed away earlier this year, but her memory lives on in the more that 150 bracelets that Ali and I have made in her name. We have donated more than $750 dollars to Locks of Love and the Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports to help those that must fight everyday, and to whom quitting isn't an option. Well seeing this Google image, of one of our bracelets on the lovely wrist of Michelle Barton, champion ultra runner, has inspired Ali and I. We are cranking up the Don't Quit factory again.
I'm telling you, with the bracelet on, you can't quit, you won't quit. My bracelet has been on me in 6 of my eight 100 mile finishes, and I've never quit while wearing it.
Here's the skinny, send us $5 ($7 if you want it personalized, Bubba Don't Quit) and we'll send you a bracelet, and the profit will go to a great cause.
This was my first experience with the Don't Quit Bracelet. I didn't quit, and I went sub-24 At Western States :)
And that address would be .... ?
Well, I figured you'd e-mail me with a request and we'd work it out. You know, you may want "Honey-baby-love-sweetie pie Don't Quit" for 7 clams. Or you may want "Don't Quit," for 5 beans. then you'd tell me and we'd make it and get your address. Any how way, my address is 306-B W. Lambright St. Tampa, FL 33604
thats an awesome buckle!!! it's not still in the box is it?
I wear it all the time, my students have no idea what it is, and I aint tellin'! And the Bracelet's not bad either, I will tell them about that when they ask.
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