Friday, July 6, 2007

The Laundry List

Ok, I did my first test yesterday, but I'm not going to publish those results now, first I want to figure out how to add photos. I'm having no luck!

Instead I submit to you my laundry list: You decide if too much emphasis is on one thing:

Running Shorts (short shorts!): 7 pair
Dinner Jackets: 0
Running Socks: 7 pair
Dress Socks: 0
Tech. Fiber Running Shirts: 3
Dress Shirts: 0
Running/Race T'Shirts: 3
Boxer Shorts: 4 pair
Nice walking shorts: 1
Jeans: 1 pair
Polo Shirts: 2
Towels- 2 Bath 1 Gym
Undershirts: 0
Hanker chefs: 0

Yes, I know, I need more balance, too many polo shirts! What can I say, I like to dress up!


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