Monday, July 2, 2007

A Piece of the Rock

Out: Come-On Andy-Girl
In: Come-On Nails, you are tough as Nails

Out: Move it Fatass, you suck,
In: No-One messes with the Kid! This trail can't take 15 Rounds with Kid Mathews.

Out: Candyass, wussie, whimp, numbnuts, freakazoid, giant baby man going poo-poo in his diapies
In: You're a Rock, you're doing great, come-on AndyMan, you rock, Rock!

Out: Freakin' weak, limp, whiny, not, can't, don't, won't, wouldn't, couldn't, didn't, not gonna do it, too hard, too hot, shouldn't, milquetoast, sorry sack-o-gawea!
In: Come on Pig (Pig? What's up with that? Years and years ago, before Chase was born, there was an episode on Twilight Zone, where this dude was hypnotized. The 'tizer convinced this fella that his hand were made of Pig iron and that he could punch his way through a brick wall. The guy commences to hitting the bricks until his hands are hamburger. I often picture the trail as that wall and my legs as made of pig iron, strongest thing on Earth. My mind sees my legs slicing through the trails not stopping till I say stop, no little brick wall gonna stop the Pig, Go Pig Go.)

The moral of the story, keep it positive!


Yesterday: 15 Miles at Flatwoods with Becky at 7 AM
Temp 90, Humidity 90 (Fun, fun, fun, till her daddy takes her T-Bird Away!)

Today: Gym- Legs and Abs


Chase Squires said...

Well, got back on the trails this weekend, 5 on Saturday and 16+ up a mountain on Sunday, quads coming around ... long road back.

Looks like your training's starting out strong ... no soreness from all those squats and stuff?

superdave524 said...

Although pigiron is hard, pig snouts are supposed to be quite soft.

Mr. Matt said...

And pig's knuckles may taste like pumpkin pie, but i'd never know becasue I aint eatin' the filthy motherthing!
