Hey, It's March Forth again. I tole this story last year, I'm-O telling again now.
March Fourth, it's not just a date, it's a command!
So, do like AndyMan, go March Forth! I done marched 6 miles on this chilly March morning. But, my BLF promised me chicken wings (baked, but still yummy!!) so, I must get the body ready. I felt good really good.
Happy March Forth to you!
Yeah, yeah doubt. Whatever. Did you read my book? Even while blind I still crawled my way to a top 20 finish.
If you can't do that, perhaps you should just go ahead and eat fried chicken wings!
Of course, you could buy my healthy chips and you can run your way through Western States. Plus they taste yummy! Try the new Honey BBQ Chicken Wing Veggie Chip. It's 100% Natural.
-Dean Karnazes
Dean, I did read your book and it inspired me to ..... want to make up a bunch of stuff and write a book too.
As for the Veggie Chips, well, if they'll have to wait till I have absolutely everything else I need, and want, and I've given to charity, and charity has given to here family! Then, perhaps, maybe, if they are buy one get three free!
Oh, I get it. March 4th. It's the date. hehe
-Paris Hilton
Oh, March Fourth, like "March Forth". I get it. Thanks, Paris.
Yeah, yeah, and on March 1, the other months quit playing (you know because March Won! And you don't even want to know what May 8!)
I don't think the real Paris Hilton could figure that out. I'm calling that poster an IMPOSTER!!!
Let's do a night run :)
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