Thursday, October 4, 2007

Good Sweaty Morning Arkansas!

"It's hot! At night it's hot and it's wet, which is nice if you're with a lady, but it's no damn good if you're in the jungle!" Thank you Roosevelt T. Roosevelt (from Good Morning Vietnam). RTR was of course talking about Vietnam, but he could have been describing the weather in Arkansas. Yuck, October 6 & 7 are predicted to be 10 degrees hotter for the dates than average for the day time and 15 degrees hotter that the night time average.
Ok, but how hot shall it be? "Are you from the Sun? It's hot fool, damn hot!" Thanks again RTR, but more specifically, it's gonna be 90 in the day and a frosty 70 at night.

.......Save Lindsay Lohan, quite possibly my least favorite star!......
I'm not going to kid you, I changed my vote in the poll. I'm shooting for 23 - 23:59 don't want to go down in a Billy Blaze of glory. Oh, well, what doesn't kill us .... only makes us wish we were dead in ultrarunning.
Oh, one more thing, I'm out, won't be back with you until Monday, but as I said, when you get done running on Sunday morning, after you've skipped church and read the funny papers, go ahead get on line and see if I'm done yet Barb will let you know.


superdave524 said...

From the Arrow Book of Jokes (still one of my favorites, all these years later): Man: Are you warm from the sun?

Other man: No, I'm Smith from the Times.

Mr. Matt said...

No, I'm Squires from the Pioneer.