Friday, October 19, 2007

No Love for Faber

Whatch you talkin' about HFUU?

Since Faber's Cross Country Program folded in 1988 to give more money to the Mongols football program, I thought the Mongols could be an excellent mascot for our University. But NOOOOOOO! This could be the best mascot, but you're going to make it the worst!
I can't believe that such a hallowed (hollowed?) institution (see below): Can't even manage one scrawny vote! Heck, some of you (er, me) are voting for two (actually 4) mascots. You can't trow a Mongol a bone?

Shoot, the Blowfish even got two votes (only one of them mine!) The cute MUT got four (I don't think any of them mine.) And Joey Sixer is whizzing up the charts! Well, as the Witch in Monty Python and the Holy Grail said (well we did do the nose), "It's a fair cop!"


Joe Bag of Doughnuts said...

Hey AndyMan,
I like your blog very much. My buddy Dirk turned me on to it. Where do you ever get your ideas? Hey, you aren't the same guy that wrote that long, but good, article in my new Marathon & Beyond are you?

Joe Bag of Doughnuts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Matt said...

Dear JBOD,
Hey, is that article already out? Those turkies haven't even paid me yet! Of course, my buddy Chase would say that the whole thing is lies, so I prolly shouldn't be paid! Hey, I know I'm not supposed to ask, but who'd you vote for? And did you like the cartoon?

Just me said...

Not to mention, they (M&B) cut one of the best parts. :-)

Unknown said...

Hey, I like your blog. Don't know how it got on my computer though. Isn't that cartoon from an old issue of Playboy Magazine?

Go Animals!

superdave524 said...

So, JBOD... er, I mean, So, AndyMan, Do you acquire "Marathon and Beyonds" at the same place you get "Beds and Baths"?

Mr. Matt said...

Ixnay withay ayboyplay, you never know who's reading and I don't want to be accused of ..... plagiarism! Oh, I'm not worried about the magazine accusation, I can honestly say, I Have NEVER read Playboy! And that is the truth, so help me me!

Joe Bag of Doughnuts said...

Ixnay on the AndyManAY!
It aint me, I swear (ish) it aint me!
Joey B
(ps, I don't know it aint out yet, but I'll get you one!)

Herb Heller said...

Whoa, SuperDave, I don't know you, but I know Andy Mathews and Andy Mathews is no Joe Bag of Doughnuts!
I resent the allegation, I resent the Alligator!

Herb F'ing Heller
ps, vote for Booze Monkey, them other guys is fruits!

Mr. Matt said...

Dear Everyone,
Can't we all just get along? JBOD, you seem kinda cool, I mean you know Jon's old roommate Dirk, and, well, I never liked Dirk, regardless, you seem cool.

Herb, Great to hear from you again. Heck of a hiatus wouldn't you say (it's a real word, look it up genius!)? At any rate, better late than never.

Any way, yall cats chill.
(jeez, gotta put up with kids all day and then I come home to this... oughta just punish the whole lot of you!)

Chase Squires said...

I have no idea what that drawing of porucpines is ... is that a stop light? Basketball court? I'm not getting it ...

superdave524 said...

Hiatus: We were consumed by half of the protagonists of a popular Dik Browne cartoon.

The porcupine cartoon? From the Jackson Pollack collection reminiscent of a favorite existentialist fourth grade joke:

Q: How many existentialists does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: To get to the other side.

Mr. Matt said...

The cartoon is an abstract. It's one Porcupine Leaping (I don't know that P'Pines do that) from a tree onto the back of a poor sad little P'Pine below. The great thing about the cartoon (well one of the many great things) is the look of absolute Joy on the leapers face. He is doing somethig that he loves, he only wishes he could slow time down and enjoy his pursuit for longer. He also realizes that it's the journey, and not just the P'Pine jumping that he loves. The P'Pine below represents the sad world (and if you'll look, she just walked by the stump of a tree, the cutting of the tree represents global warming.)

Of course as they say, sometimes a banana is just a banana. Then again, they also say, it's kind of like spelling banana, you never know when to quit. You know what I say, Don't Quit!

Anonymous said...


I don't ever want to hear that you're tired at work...who the HELL has time to post all this shit (however intellectually stimulating it may be) and still grade homework and tests??????? Dude, hook me up with your time management procedures.