Evidently a whole helluva lot!
In my life, I've never had high blood pressure, I still don't, but since taking three months off of running, it's now borderline.
In my life, I've (almost) never been overweight, I'm still not, but since taking three months off of running, I'm now borderline.
In my life, I've almost always had high cholesterol, but have never had to take medicine for it, today, I had my blood test to check that out..... I hope I'll still be med free come this time next week.
If exercise were a pill, it would be the most prescribed pill in the world.
Get out and do something!
Uh, exercise does come in a pill .. it's called meth :-)
Yeah, because we all know skinny = in shape, kinda like having a big head makes you smart :)
Or like having giant quads make you a great runner, oh wait I have giant quads, and well, I won't tell you (for free) but buy my book and you'll see who's a great runner.
-Dean Karnazes
It's the best anti-depressant too. You know my motto: "Running is cheaper than therapy."
Running is also a great laxative and a great diuretic, at least for me. BP meds make you use the facilites a little more than usual. Running is cheaper than the meds. Unless you are doing the Grand Slam, then meds are cheaper, especially mail order ones.
Drop and give yourself 20!
Stephen King is also a great laxative.
Ah, yes, Chase, but I lose more weight from running!
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