Thursday, November 8, 2007

On Sale Now at a Newstand... Er, a, I Can't Find It!

Ok, Gang, here it is... the one you've (I've) been waiting for (checking the mailbox hourly).

Finally, after receiving E-Mails from subscribers all over the country (I actually got two, one from some cat in Wisconsin, that I'm not 100% sure isn't a friend of Chase's playing a joke on me, and one from my buddy Bill Dunn, this year's Florida MUT of the year, and he can run circles around me) I got my M & B with my last year's Arkansas Article in it. Still I haven't been paid, but that's of little (major I said MAJOR!) importance. And I only got two copies which is fine (fine as in, what am I going to do with two stinking copies, man, I need a least three, so I can read what I wrote about me whilst I'm in any room of my 3-room estate!)

Any way, run to your local bookstore or running emporium and snag your copy. If for some reason your bookstore doesn't have it (yeah, we don't carry it, no real call, their authors really suck!) you can go to : And have them send you two or three right out. Check out page 131, Hey, I'll sign it for you, that's the kind of dude I am.

Love ya!


ps, let me know what you think of Karno's piece, I'm still puking on myself after reading that crap, but that's me, good looking rich people that can run and win 100's of 100's just piss me off!


superdave524 said...

Can't wait to get by the newstand to pick up my copy of "Marathon, Bath and Beyond"

Chase Squires said...

Oops, that's where I was having trouble, I kept asking for a copy of "Marathon and Beyonce" ...