Monday, November 19, 2007

See ya later, Smartee!

Take what's smart... Toss it out the window! That's me

Why can't I just get smart? Oh, I guess you don't get to choose that! Anyway, at least I'm dumb for a really good cause. On December 8, I am running the Ancient Oaks 100-Mile endurance run.

No, it's not the best idea for someone that's run 3 100 milers this year. No, it's not the best idea for someone whose ultimate goal it to run 4 100 milers in 10 weeks next year. No, running 29 x 3.448 mile loops can't be too much fun. BUT, and it's a big BUT (I like Big Buts, I cannot lie) I've always wanted to do it, AND, I will be collecting pledges for Literacy Leads to Hope: This organization was started by a couple of high school students in Tampa. Their goal is to help improve life in Kenya, you can read about it on their website. Anyway, since Kenya is home to the world's best runners, and since I always want to encourage young people to think about helping others I agreed to run this race and to help out their cause.

So, if you have a couple of extra Ducats laying around, how about shoot some over. If you pledge say $1 per mile and I only make it 1.5 miles, why that's only a buck-fiddy. Of course, if you pledge 2 thousand dollars per mile and I make it all the way, that's $200,000. Hey, it's up to you. Just shoot me an e-mail if you want on the list:

Geez, one of these days I'll GET SMART, and be a regular Alfred Einstern!


Chase Squires said...

You're in for a treat ... I've run it twice (that's what, 58 loops? I know that course REALLY WELL) ...

Mr. Matt said...

Do I need heavy duty trail shoes? What's the elevation change?

Chase Squires said...

Believe it or not, the first time, it was F'in COLD, coldest 100 I've ever run, mid 20s and foggy ... It's Florida, you never know!

(Nope, not kiddin')