Monday, January 7, 2008

2 Horses 1 Race

And then there were two....
Here are the only two that can win with 5 votes to go. Choose your "Tree Pusher" or your "Arknasas, I done run 100 miles and Aint Showered" version of AndyMan. I don't really care.

This week, I may run my first 60 mile week in forever, we'll see. I'm feeling pretty well. We'll see.


Lynne said...

Just do it !!!!!

Mr. Matt said...

Lynne, I see your prefernece has taken a slight lead. Don't worry, the vote will end soon, and we can erase all traces of "belly boy."

superdave524 said...

Mercifully, it appears that "Fat Andy" can be put out of our misery. May he rest in pieces.

Arlene said...

As long as he's not resting in Reese's Pieces...

Gotta throw my support for the tree pusher. The sock do it for me!