Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Resolution, Smesolution!

Yeah, ok, I'm going to write them down, look at them every week, and follow them like commandments, they are resolutions. Rrrright.

I'm sorry, but Resolve is a carpet cleaner a New Year's Resolution never changed my life, it never made me a better person. The only one that I ever heard anyone stick to was the father of a friend of mine (before he was the father of the friend) made a resolution of mine that he was going to sleep with 50 women in the upcoming year. He said, "it took getting two in the last week, but I did it!"

So, I'm not going to make any resolutions (I've got too much running and working out to do to emulate my bud's dad), but there are a few things that I'm going to try to do:

1) Be a better dad. Ali-Girl is 13 years old. I love her, and there is always room for improvement as a parent, always.
2) I am still going to try to get to the gym twice a week. It's a key to Slam success, it's easy to do the things we like, but the gym for me, it's torture.

3) Now that I have worked and coached at Tampa Catholic for 1 1/2 years I am not going to keep being sheepish about using the coaches area in the gym and I'm going to start running to school and then using the coaches shower. In 2005, a big key to my success at Western States was that after I won my way into the lottery, I ran to school, 3.5 miles, almost every day. It's only 1.5 to TC, but I know plenty of long cuts if I need them.

Ok, if anything else needs tending there is no reason that I can't add on as needed, 1/1/08 is not a magical date, I can "resolve" issues anytime!


The Professor said...

It's actually the "Dexter Lake Club" according to the A.H. script...yeah, so I'm a few days behind on commenting...I had that whole 50-mile jaunt throw off my whole "things to do in the Internet" schedule.


Lynne said...

Be a better dad ? How is that possible ? You ARE one of the best dads I know. Your room for improvement is nil !

Chase Squires said...

"To Gym" as a verb. Very nice. You teach Ali talk goodest, be top pop.

Arlene said...

Any DAD that would pimp bracelets for his daughter, and admits that he is pimping, wins the Dad of the Year award from me!

You done good, Andyman!

Mr. Matt said...

You know, I was going from memory and didn't think Desert Lake was quite right. Adam, how'd the 50 go?

As for being top pop, (I like that) there is always room for imporvement, when sompin is that important, you gotta do your best!

Star said...

A thought from a therapist's point of view...if you tell me you're going to "try" to do something...you ain't gonna do it. For example, do you say: "I'll to TRY to finish the Western States" or "I'm GOING to finish the Western States!" There's a huge difference, right? Make your goals clear and positive....and you will reach them no doubt ;)

superdave524 said...

All that stuff takes a helluva lotta patience. Ali's a great gal, which has got to help; but, there are always moments when 13 year-olds act their age, and that's where the rubber hits the road. How many Hill Kings you doing this week?

Mr. Matt said...

Star, you is right but then you isn't right too. I WILL go to the gym more, that is something I can control. I will try to finish Western States. See, I can't control whether I finish. I can prepare well, and I will make finishing a great probability. This is where Yoda and I part ways, he says, "There is no try, only do or do not do." Fine if you can control the elements, which I cannot, so I say, there is no do, there is only try. Here's the catch, only you know if you really tried or you posing.

Star said...

Oh, I love clients who know the difference between what they CAN and CANNOT control. Excellent, young Skywalker. You get a gold star for the day :)

Anyway, my sister and I have a tendency to send positive energy out into the universe, so that we are sure to reach those goals we set for ourselves. You too, can use the Secret to your advantage....