Sunday, March 30, 2008

Powerful Proud Pop Pontificates

I'm powerful proud of my daughter.

Ali is a dancer. I enjoy watching her dance. She's gotten quite good over of the years. I don't know how her mom feels, but I was scared to death Ali had my sense of rhythm (which is none.)

Turns out I needn't have worried. Her rhythm is spot on.
Yesterday she had a dance competition in Brandon. Dance competitions, I actually quite enjoy them..... now. It used to be fidget in the chair for an hour wait for Ali's 3 minutes and sneak out the back. Last night I even stayed for awards (yeah, I think I was the only dad there, plenty of moms. But dads could you put down the golf clubs long enough to come watch your kids? Please, at Ali's dance studio, they often call meetings and they say, "Mom's gather around." I used to get offended at that, and clear my throat until they would say, "Mom's and Andy." I no longer get offended, because it is all mom's. You know dads you're not making it very hard to make me look like a good dad. Ali has one friend she's danced with for 10 years, I've met her dad... once. He bolted into the studio to pick up his daughter, haven't seen him since.)..... ok, last night I even stayed for awards, and I'm glad I did.

Ali won the "Miss Sophisticated, Stage Presence Award." The studio doing the competition is called Sophisticated Productions, hence the "Miss Sophisticated." The lady explained the Stage presence award and I was beaming. Ali dances with a wonderful smile (even when she isn't in a great mood, which isn't often) and she acts the song as well as dances to it.
The judges saw that yesterday, it was cool. I'm glad that I was there to see it! Dad's the person you are gypping by not being there, just might be you!


superdave524 said...

Ali really does have stage presence. As the W'boro police officer who accused me of dissing a stop sigh said "I SEEN ya!" (er, her). And is a wonderful thing for both you and Ali that you're right in the thick of things. Best compliment one of the twins ever paid me: "You're a good mom, Dad". You're a good mom-dad, too.

Dr. Maguse said...

Ali sounds ultra cool, Mr. Mom.

Did her play take place where the Village Players perform??

Anonymous said...

Ali IS ultra cool, Mags. She is an impressive young lady/girl all the way around. And, you can tell Andy loves being her dad - and he's darn good at it!

Mr. Matt said...

Yeah, good thing.

Ali is starting to become a teenager though. I had my first brush off at the mall this weekend. She wanted me just to drop her off so her friends wouldn't see that she had a dad. Now honey, how does that work when I have to give everybody a ride home? Eventually they are going to see me, like they have all the time for 8 years!

Anonymous said...
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Mr. Matt said...


Lynne said...
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Chase Squires said...

Dude, nasty spammers?

... I remember one time we got my friend's dad to drive us to the mall and then wait in the car for a couple hours. Dads. I'm tellin' ya.

Lynne said...

Andy, you forgot to add in the 2 mile walk today. When you count that, your weekly total is over 60 miles !!!

Mr. Matt said...

yeah I zapped that spam. why people wanna mess? No se.

Yeah, Ali dissed me at the mall, but mostly she'll still hang with me, as long as her "friends" aren't around (but she has great friends, and I'm hoping she'll keep it that way!)

my friend Amy said...

I say you deserve an "h" for keeping your girl closer to your "h"eart than all those races.
Waddya say Vanna?

Mr. Matt said...

Well, you know, I don't usually give out two letters in a week... but what the H?

superdave524 said...

A_, Andy's famous "H" composition in sc_ool. Opined tat we'd be up "sit" creek witout it.

Arlene said...

We knew that Ali was something special when she made the first "Don't Quit" bracelet that Dad has worn so proudly....

Mr. Matt said...

Thank you for that! What a beautiful thing to think and say! I still wear that proudly.